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“Trust me, these classes will test you and transform you.”

Assuming the audience knows that the headline is coming from a student in the program or someone who has already taken it, I wanted to make an immediate connection with my audience. Using this conversational yet direct tone lets them know I am talking directly to them. I wanted to warn them that it is challenging but that there is great reward in feeling uncomfortable when it comes to school and learning. I wanted my approach to sound genuine and insightful about what’s to come. Offering honesty and transparency of someone who’s going through it currently, rather than something generic and boring to them. While beginning my brainstorming process on paper I actually started with “Why feeling your worst makes you your best”. I figured this was a bit too harsh so I wanted to soften it up a bit to avoid frightening them. Instead, I wanted to use the powerful word “Transform” to emphasize the positive recognition these classes deserve. I wanted to suggest a perception shift in marketing after taking this course. As well as highlighting the challenges that come with big rewards. I think it is important to emphasize that these courses do not just teach content but rather change your perception of what has been handed to you and to think critically. This is a valuable skill they do not teach in most colleges but will serve you greatly in the future and save you from experiencing these growing pains in the industry.

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Question #5 -Assignment 2 Part B Wed, 05 Mar 2025 07:24:20 +0000 a. Provide the headline “ “21 reasons St.Clair Advertising & Marketing program is one of the best in Canada” b. Provide an overview of the elements missing in the instructions required for this task. I believe that the missing elements not included in the instructions may be speaking about how we were to use ChatGPT […]

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a. Provide the headline

“ “21 reasons St.Clair Advertising & Marketing program is one of the best in Canada”

b. Provide an overview of the elements missing in the instructions required for this task.

I believe that the missing elements not included in the instructions may be speaking about how we were to use ChatGPT for a head start on brainstorming ideas for the SCC Advertising and Marketing Program. We were instructed in the initial instructions before part B, that we would be using prompt engineering to explore the benefits and limitations of ChatGPT in curating unique headlines. We were then instructed to use these AI headlines as a guideline for idea building. We were to create an “official” headline on our own which is the headline stated above in question 5a. We are creating our unique headline using the ideas we found using chat. 

This question may also be about the importance of incorporating the four U’s in our headline development. The four U’s include useful information for the reader, unique in creativity, ultra-specific and straightforward, and creating urgency. These are the building blocks of a good headline and are essential for the creation of any click-worthy headline. 

c. Explain the headline you created, why, and any other reasons/justifications you need to provide to me for the headline you created. (6 Marks)

A few reasons and justifications for why I make my headline like this include:

  • It contains a list. In headline creation, it has been shown that lists are attractive to the reader because they allude to useful information and is easy to scan and digest these answers. As mentioned in many classes but in specific it mentioned in W6 – 72 Easy Ways To Write A Headline That Will Reach Your Readers, slide 33 mentions how using numbers and lists is important to headlines because they quickly tell the reader what to expect. 
  • Clarity and relevancy are the reasons why I used “The St.Clair Advertising & Marketing program as a bulk of my headline. Without this information, the headline would lack clarity and possibly confuse the reader. We want anyone to know exactly what our headline is about. By following the formula of the four P’s this was a necessary choice. 
  • I was able to fit the school and program nicely in the middle of the headline which allowed me to focus on hooking the reader with the first and last sections of my headline. The start of my headline introduces what the reader will expect, the middle explains what it’s about and the end section hooks them in with why it’s worth their time to read and learn about. 
  • Although this headline is pretty simple I think it would be effective and attract the right audience(high school graduates). I also believe its generic nature is okay because we are trying to create a headline that aligns with a College style and tone of voice while messaging. This is also important for the clarity of the message and understanding of the audience. I chose to steer away from my ideas in chat because I believe these words will stand out better to the intended audience as far as looking deeper and providing more relevant information in the article! 

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Question #4-Assignment 2 Part B Wed, 05 Mar 2025 07:19:02 +0000 Headline #1 “Proven study on the negative impact of raising kids indoors.  Headline #2 “Jawdropping effects of Nature Deficit Disorder. Where to go from here?” Headline #3 “Effects of NDD Amplified after COVID-19. Learn how to combat symptoms.” All of my headlines follow the guidelines of the 4 P”s which is the formula I have […]

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Headline #1

“Proven study on the negative impact of raising kids indoors. 

  • For this headline, I chose to use the power word “case study” to grab people’s attention who are interested in learning more. I believe also using “negative impacts’ is a powerful word set because people want to feel aware of things that negatively impact them. Even more, attention-grabbing than the well-being of oneself is the safety and well-being of their kids. Putting “the negative impact of raising kids indoors” will pull in a whole audience of parents whose key purpose is to keep their kids safe from harm. These elements form to create a very attention-worthy and impactful headline. 

Headline #2

“Jawdropping effects of Nature Deficit Disorder. Where to go from here?”

  • Based off of the class discussion I chose to word the headline for the article in this way because it draws in more attention by using the powerword “jawdropping”. This word makes people intrigued and want to know how serious the impact of this problem is. It alludes to a bigger issue which triggers peoples curiosity to be informed and aware of potential harm. This headline plays on fear triggers and they want to protect themselves and their loved ones. I chose to pose it as a question and a solution which is good practice for a clickable headline, “where to go from here” hints at a solution and a conversation that is being had. I took this from the slide that pertains to FOMO. I believe this headline would make someone feel like they may be skimming over useful information if they do not click on this headline. I also know it is good practice to provide solutions to the reader as everyone wants to gain useful positive knowledge to better their situation. 

Headline #3

“Effects of NDD Amplified after COVID-19. Learn how to combat symptoms.”

  • I chose to make the headline in this fashion because I believe it will provoke fear and curiosity in the reader. Having NDD implies a knowledge gap in the reader which naturally will make them feel uninformed and like they are missing common knowledge. This will make them want to know exactly what NDD is. I was a bit manipulative with choosing the word COVID-19 because I know that this creates fear in people. COVID also affected everyone, this wording makes the audience much larger for this article because everyone was affected by it. It will trigger people’s fear and curiosity as well as self-absorption because they will want to know if they have developed negative symptoms from the virus. I also snuck in a “how to” wordage to let people know I am not only informing them but providing solutions for a potential issue they might have. 

All of my headlines follow the guidelines of the 4 P”s which is the formula I have been using thorought this assignment to evaluate, analyze, and create click worthy headlines.

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Question #2-Assignment 2 Part B Wed, 05 Mar 2025 06:59:21 +0000 Yes, the article is representative of the headline because it introduces the meaning behind the phrase Nature Deficit Disorder (NDD). It explains how it’s not a mental diagnosis, but a mental deficiency that is the result of a lack of time spent outdoors connecting with the elements. This article does exactly what the headline says. […]

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Yes, the article is representative of the headline because it introduces the meaning behind the phrase Nature Deficit Disorder (NDD). It explains how it’s not a mental diagnosis, but a mental deficiency that is the result of a lack of time spent outdoors connecting with the elements. This article does exactly what the headline says. It highlights the symptoms and effects it has on adults and children who lack time outside in nature. This is relevant to the page because it explains the first half of the headline in full context. 

It explains how poor urban planning and the effects that covid has had on society has negatively effected peoples well being. It teaches about negative symptoms such as loss of motivation, enjoyment in life, sleep and relationship problems. This also is relevant to the explanation of Nature Deficit Disorder which pertains directly to the headline stated above. It touches on how parents should especially be aware of the lasting effects this may have on developing children and offers many different ways you can combat symptoms and stay grounded in life. It explains how gardening, walking in a park, or simply opening up your windows can help connect you with the outdoors and make you feel better. This article aligns with the context of the headline perfectly. Make sure to not leave the reader disappointed with the content and knowledge it is promising in the headline. 

I do believe the article aligns with the headline but I could see an issue with the superlative being a fake diagnosable disease. This may confuse the reader and make them feel like the headline was manipulative and inauthentic. Either that or they may misunderstand and think that this is a real disease even though it states that it is not. When making headlines strong and unique you need to also be aware of how it will change the audience’s perception of what is actually being talked about. 

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Question #1-Assignment 2 Part B Wed, 05 Mar 2025 06:31:09 +0000 An article I came across recently resonated with me, and I believe is a good headline based on what we learnt in class was “Nature-Deficit Disorder: What It Is, and How to Overcome It”. I believe this is a great headline because it follows the Four U’s formula for a clickable ad which is unique, […]

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An article I came across recently resonated with me, and I believe is a good headline based on what we learnt in class was “Nature-Deficit Disorder: What It Is, and How to Overcome It”. I believe this is a great headline because it follows the Four U’s formula for a clickable ad which is unique, useful, urgent, and ultra-specific. This headline resonates with me specifically because I was drawn into an intriguing new word I had never heard of before Nature Deficit Disorder. The phrase “Nature Deficit Disorder” is a made-up word used to hook the reader and encourage them to explore the content at hand. It is made to intrigue the reader to learn more about what this means and if it is a real thing. It resonated with me directly because I am from British Columbia where the culture is very nature-rich. My time in Windsor is solely for school and not being in nature is one of the huge sacrifices of being here. This causes me to get homesick a lot. Not feeling as grounded because of the lack of nature in this city is something I deal with every day so this heavily resonated with me because it highlighted a problem I deal with, and is something I am curious to learn more about. 

The headline structure is impressive as it incorporates a unique word that catches the attention of the intended audience. This unique and clever wordage will make people want to learn more about it. As mentioned in W6 – C – How to Create Winning Headlines in 9 Simple Steps (W25)- slide 20,  they have incorporated a stacked benefit approach. After they hook the reader while scanning, they then offer two useful sets of information/ questions to draw the reader to want to learn more. “What is it” and “How to overcome it”, addresses both informative information on what this is, as well as a solution to overcome this. As stated in many of the slides and in-class discussions, we learned that providing people with content on “how to”, is one of the most clicked-on and successful elements/ strategies you can have when crafting a good headline. I believe that this headline would successfully resonate and attract the intended audience cleverly and strategically due to these reasons. This is good because it needs to allude to something we don’t already know but that we resonate with. Believing that there is information that will benefit you will increase click rates and encourage people to read your content and stay engaged with what is on the page. 

Another reason this headline follows good practice is its length. People in today’s society don’t want to read, they want to scan. Creating a headline that encourages the person to not only click but to read an article is an art form and is not as easy as it may seem. This article is only a few words and was able to have a memorable impact on me (desired audience), which means they did a successful job standing out in the digital landscape. Being able to catch attention and draw people in will make your headline stand out amongst the competition, reflecting on its overall ability to perform well in search engines. 

I don’t read many articles, so the power of this article heading to draw me in to read means that it is a well-thought-out and clever headline that incorporates all the elements of a great headline. 

They have incorporated curiosity, question-asking, superlatives (the made-up word that emphasizes its importance), offering tips and resources, and “how to” explanations elements into the headline making this a very good and effective headline. 

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