Question #4-Assignment 2 Part B

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Headline #1

“Proven study on the negative impact of raising kids indoors. 

  • For this headline, I chose to use the power word “case study” to grab people’s attention who are interested in learning more. I believe also using “negative impacts’ is a powerful word set because people want to feel aware of things that negatively impact them. Even more, attention-grabbing than the well-being of oneself is the safety and well-being of their kids. Putting “the negative impact of raising kids indoors” will pull in a whole audience of parents whose key purpose is to keep their kids safe from harm. These elements form to create a very attention-worthy and impactful headline. 

Headline #2

“Jawdropping effects of Nature Deficit Disorder. Where to go from here?”

  • Based off of the class discussion I chose to word the headline for the article in this way because it draws in more attention by using the powerword “jawdropping”. This word makes people intrigued and want to know how serious the impact of this problem is. It alludes to a bigger issue which triggers peoples curiosity to be informed and aware of potential harm. This headline plays on fear triggers and they want to protect themselves and their loved ones. I chose to pose it as a question and a solution which is good practice for a clickable headline, “where to go from here” hints at a solution and a conversation that is being had. I took this from the slide that pertains to FOMO. I believe this headline would make someone feel like they may be skimming over useful information if they do not click on this headline. I also know it is good practice to provide solutions to the reader as everyone wants to gain useful positive knowledge to better their situation. 

Headline #3

“Effects of NDD Amplified after COVID-19. Learn how to combat symptoms.”

  • I chose to make the headline in this fashion because I believe it will provoke fear and curiosity in the reader. Having NDD implies a knowledge gap in the reader which naturally will make them feel uninformed and like they are missing common knowledge. This will make them want to know exactly what NDD is. I was a bit manipulative with choosing the word COVID-19 because I know that this creates fear in people. COVID also affected everyone, this wording makes the audience much larger for this article because everyone was affected by it. It will trigger people’s fear and curiosity as well as self-absorption because they will want to know if they have developed negative symptoms from the virus. I also snuck in a “how to” wordage to let people know I am not only informing them but providing solutions for a potential issue they might have. 

All of my headlines follow the guidelines of the 4 P”s which is the formula I have been using thorought this assignment to evaluate, analyze, and create click worthy headlines.

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