Question #5 -Assignment 2 Part B

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a. Provide the headline

“ “21 reasons St.Clair Advertising & Marketing program is one of the best in Canada”

b. Provide an overview of the elements missing in the instructions required for this task.

I believe that the missing elements not included in the instructions may be speaking about how we were to use ChatGPT for a head start on brainstorming ideas for the SCC Advertising and Marketing Program. We were instructed in the initial instructions before part B, that we would be using prompt engineering to explore the benefits and limitations of ChatGPT in curating unique headlines. We were then instructed to use these AI headlines as a guideline for idea building. We were to create an “official” headline on our own which is the headline stated above in question 5a. We are creating our unique headline using the ideas we found using chat. 

This question may also be about the importance of incorporating the four U’s in our headline development. The four U’s include useful information for the reader, unique in creativity, ultra-specific and straightforward, and creating urgency. These are the building blocks of a good headline and are essential for the creation of any click-worthy headline. 

c. Explain the headline you created, why, and any other reasons/justifications you need to provide to me for the headline you created. (6 Marks)

A few reasons and justifications for why I make my headline like this include:

  • It contains a list. In headline creation, it has been shown that lists are attractive to the reader because they allude to useful information and is easy to scan and digest these answers. As mentioned in many classes but in specific it mentioned in W6 – 72 Easy Ways To Write A Headline That Will Reach Your Readers, slide 33 mentions how using numbers and lists is important to headlines because they quickly tell the reader what to expect. 
  • Clarity and relevancy are the reasons why I used “The St.Clair Advertising & Marketing program as a bulk of my headline. Without this information, the headline would lack clarity and possibly confuse the reader. We want anyone to know exactly what our headline is about. By following the formula of the four P’s this was a necessary choice. 
  • I was able to fit the school and program nicely in the middle of the headline which allowed me to focus on hooking the reader with the first and last sections of my headline. The start of my headline introduces what the reader will expect, the middle explains what it’s about and the end section hooks them in with why it’s worth their time to read and learn about. 
  • Although this headline is pretty simple I think it would be effective and attract the right audience(high school graduates). I also believe its generic nature is okay because we are trying to create a headline that aligns with a College style and tone of voice while messaging. This is also important for the clarity of the message and understanding of the audience. I chose to steer away from my ideas in chat because I believe these words will stand out better to the intended audience as far as looking deeper and providing more relevant information in the article! 

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