“Trust me, these classes will test you and transform you.”
Assuming the audience knows that the headline is coming from a student in the program or someone who has already taken it, I wanted to make an immediate connection with my audience. Using this conversational yet direct tone lets them know I am talking directly to them. I wanted to warn them that it is challenging but that there is great reward in feeling uncomfortable when it comes to school and learning. I wanted my approach to sound genuine and insightful about what’s to come. Offering honesty and transparency of someone who’s going through it currently, rather than something generic and boring to them. While beginning my brainstorming process on paper I actually started with “Why feeling your worst makes you your best”. I figured this was a bit too harsh so I wanted to soften it up a bit to avoid frightening them. Instead, I wanted to use the powerful word “Transform” to emphasize the positive recognition these classes deserve. I wanted to suggest a perception shift in marketing after taking this course. As well as highlighting the challenges that come with big rewards. I think it is important to emphasize that these courses do not just teach content but rather change your perception of what has been handed to you and to think critically. This is a valuable skill they do not teach in most colleges but will serve you greatly in the future and save you from experiencing these growing pains in the industry.
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